Boletín No. 32 • Año 1.985 • International Symposium on earthquake relief in less industrialized areas

$ 7.000

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    International Symposium on earthquake relief in less industrialized areas
    28-30 de marzo de 1984.

    • Yemen Arab Republic: Earthquake of December 13, 1982. Case history.
    • The German Red Cross in the earthquake zone of Turkey Regions of Van and Erzurum.
    • Economic consequence of earthquakes.
    • Earthquake recovery. Analytically based economic policies for reconstruction.
    • Reconstruction policies and techniques used in Azores after the January 1st, 1980 earthquake.
    • Fast and reliable damage estimation for optimal relief operations
    • Repair of building structures by concrete-techniques
    • Emergency decisions on safety of buildings damaged by earthquakes.
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